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What Others Have Said About Cartgroup Career Coaching Services and Workshops.

Career Services

“Cartgroup worked tirelessly with me to provide an excellent resume. They were professional, patient and responsive to my unique situation.”

“I’ve used Don and Cartgroup over the past seven years to advise me as my career in the aviation industry progressed from management to vice president level. Don responded with professionalism and was effective in guiding my career to where it is today.” VP, Maintenance and Engineering.


“I was very impressed with his knowledge and caring attitude. I wish he could’ve taught longer. Where ever his next location is, I wish I could be there.”

“Kept the sessions very interesting”

“Don was an engaging instructor whose methodology of coaching resulted in raising the group’s esteem and enthusiasm. Thru Don’s workshop, I’m walking away with a more positive outlook and a reinforcement that I made the right decision. Better opportunities are available given the effort put forth to find them. Don has helped me to feel well prepared.”

“The instructor (Don) knew what he was doing and kept everyone’s attention through the class”

“Excellent facilitator, very clear and concise.”

“Good! Actually enjoyed the class.”

“The instructor made the workshop fun and exciting”

“Workshop went very quickly and not boring! Don did a great job keeping things moving and exciting”

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